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Next Generation Instant Coffee Reviews
May 26, 2018
In the early 2000s, I recall reading an article online that made a strong case for why instant coffee didn’t have to suck. I’ve since forgotten where I read it, but the core message stuck with me.
Why Are Some Coffees More Acidic Than Others? A Brew & Roast Guide
May 16, 2018
Acidity: one of the most revered but also the most contentious attributes of a cup of specialty coffee. Loved by third wave consumers and prized by competition judges, it’s also often a cause for confusion.
What Do Coffees From Around The World Taste Like –
& Why?
March 29, 2018
Colombia or Brazil? Kenya or Ethiopia? Indonesia or Thailand? Does it even matter?
That last question is easy to answer – yes. The others, a little harder.
Coffee Varieties: What Are F1 Hybrids & Why Are They Good News?
June 23, 2017
Coffee hybrids have the potential for high-quality cup scores, rust resistance, and greater productivity. But what actually are they? Why are they so important to the coffee industry? And does that mean it’s time to say goodbye to our Bourbons and Typicas?
Concept Of Sweetness In Coffee
March 21, 2017
Most of the flavor and aromatics properties are given by the origin. The varietal, terroir, the way coffee was grown, harvested and processed. Yet the role of the coffee roasters and baristas is to imprint their vision of the final flavor properties of these coffee lots. One of the most desired properties is the sweetness.
Coffee Experiment: Comparing Espresso 6 Days Off-roast Vs. 9 Days Off-roast
June 12, 2016
A while back one of my YouTube subscribers asked me to conduct an experiment comparing the same coffee with two different roast dates. In other words, how does coffee from the same origin and roaster change as it moves farther away from the day it is roasted?
Coffee Lover’s Gift Guide
Dec 12, 2015
It’s that time of year again, if you’re looking for last-minute gift ideas for yourself, or the coffee lovers in your life, I’ve put together a few picks below. And of course, you can always go for a bag of fresh coffee from your favorite local coffee roaster!
Best Cafes in the World!
Oct 22, 2010
NOTE: Google changed their maps making them a little more annoying to keep updated, so I haven’t been keeping this map current. Saved here for posterity. If you have suggestions for a new map tool to use, I’d love to hear it – talk to me on Twitter!